Without doubt a super handy 'All rounder' board, Ideal for Parawing, Light wind winging, Freestyle Winging (Smaller sizes and strapped) Its a fast water speed, early foiling board with insane foil connection. Customisable in literage +-5L to your requirements - Big thanks to the upwind master 'Kingo' who put in all the millions of meters of upwind Parawing foiling to convince us that shorter para wing boards were the way forward when we thought it impossible.
Weve since discovered the same values that make a great Parawing board, cross over directly into a great wing board too !
6'1 x 22 x 5 ' @ 86Litre (Kingo Model Shown in pictures)
Board Comes with Full Deck Grip (Amos shapes Deck Grip)
Background - The Challenge
Unlike Wind Wing boards - Parawing foiling doesn't give you much chance to pump the wing for take-off speed. The Sail tends to depower and or collapse a bit if you yank on it too hard. There is also very little de-power - and parawing sizing to wind strength is really precise.
So the challenge has been to build a board with decent on water board speed - but one that doesn't track like a DW board - (Due to gusts / and necessary adjustments in direction while dogging to get up...)
We wanted a Parawing board one that surfs /rips turns and pumps and rides like a prone board.
Following the European trend towards shorter , yet stable Pocket wing boards - weve taken a lot of feedback from our Pocket wing team rider (legend) to hide the foam in a thicker profile, taper out the bevel rail to increase water speed/flow and lend to a stable / faster glidig board that is still short and light.
If your riding larger foils 1200 sqcm+ - you will probably get away with a board this size with its much lower water take off speeds -- provided your also riding a parawing suited to upwind sailing power / size... and much shorter boards ... thus the smaller 6'1 Pocket wing board was born here for us...
for guys riding ocean bumps / deep water downwind bumps that move much faster - Small foils, they run the risk of not getting up on a board this small unless they are upsizing their Parawing into a seriously overpowered size... This works and will get you up and flying on small foils... As long as you dont have to go upwind !!!
We also shape / list a 6'10 Parawing Downwind Parawing board, which we would advise as a total parawing allrounder, its high water speed allows you to run much smaller parawings and still get up and stay sailing upwind if down winders are not your thing.
Across the range
To improve pump and reduce swing weight, the mast tracks are further forward, mimicking the typical feel and nose to mast lengths of our prone / DW and Wing board range.
Boards are weighing in at under 5Kgs with Deck Grip across the range.
Biaxial carbon and stiffening HD core used to maximise stiffness and strength overall . Boards are customised in width, length and litrage based on Riders customisations... Video samples of your dimension shapes are emailled to you for varification before glassing commences.
DW Para Wing Crossover Foil Board
We cut shapes and finish in around 2 weeks from order, glassing is in the following run and your board will usually ship out complete in around 1 month from date of order.
We ship through a wide range of couriers to anywhere in Australia or worldwide if you can afford it.
Shipping is calculated for you on placement of order. the figures are estimates based on region / board length and time.
If you don't like the quoted shipping fee, please let us know as it may be in error and we can try manually for you. Just order the board as "pick up" to get it on and moving in the que.